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Virgin Galactic

Virgin Galactic Space Travel


Virgin Galactic

Can you imagine floating in zero gravity, looking at a thousand-mile view of planet Earth below and infinite space all around? What has, until now, been a science fiction fantasy for civilians is set to become reality when Virgin Galactic launches its first commercial sub-orbital space flight. With fewer than five hundred people having ever been into space, taking a Virgin Galactic space flight means you'd be joining a very select group of individuals.

Back in 2006, Elegant Resorts was appointed Virgin Galactic’s first Accredited Space Agent; today our space team comprises Claire Bridge and Jayne Price, both of whom have been to the NASTAR Centre where, in addition to the prerequisite medical examinations and learning some of the techniques used by NASA astronauts to help them handle the effects of space travel, they have experienced for themselves the dynamics of space and the effects of G-force, during a sub-orbital space flight simulation.

Both members of our space team are available to arrange all the elements of your booking, and will happily share their personal experiences of the training. Feel free to call them on 01244 897 003 or email them at [email protected] for more details.

Why Choose Elegant Resorts for your Ultimate Travel Experience?

Exceeding your expectations Elegant Resorts was appointed Virgin Galactic's first Accredited Space Agent.
Creating lasting experiences Our space team have learned techniques used by NASA astronauts, experiencing themselves the effects during a sub-orbital space flight simulation.
Exceeding your expectations Our space team will arrange all the elements of your booking, and will happily share their personal experiences of the training.

Each member of our space team is available to arrange all the elements of your booking, and will happily share their personal experiences of the training.

Virgin Galactic Updates

For more information or to book your Virgin Galactic Space Flight, please call our Accredited Space Agents on
Tel: 01244 897 003 or [email protected]