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Gemma Pinder-Davidson

Travel Industry Experience: 26 Years

phone 01244 897 777

I have been working in the travel industry for 23 years now – and pretty much all of this time has been spent working out on the road in various sales positions for an array of Tour Operators before finally finding my perfect place in the luxury sector looking after both the If Only and Elegant Resort brands. I love working with agents and sharing all of my knowledge and expertise that I have built up over the years. For me there is no better feeling than seeing a booking confirm from one of my agent partners after I have spent time with them in a training or on a visit updating them about our amazing products.

Favourite Luxury Destination
My Favourite Destination


I absolutely adore Australia and I am lucky enough to have travelled there on numerous occasions. I just love how diverse it is – allowing you to have so many different experiences in one trip. You can be in a cosmopolitan city one day, a tropical rainforest the next, the middle of the desert the next day and snorkelling with dolphins the day after that! I also love my food and wine – and Australi

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Favourite Luxury Hotel
Memorable Hotel Experience

Bvlgari Resort Dubai

I was lucky enough to stay at the stunning Blvgari Resort in Dubai. The amenities in the room where all beautiful – and we had the most gorgeous beach bags for us to use on our stay. I mentioned to one of the staff that I wish I could take the bag home as I loved it so much, and when I got back to the room that night there was brand new beach bag for me which they had engraved on the leather with

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World Map

I have personally visited 123 of the luxury hotels in our portfolio.

Travel Tips

"Allow plenty of time – travelling is not fun if you are rushing everywhere!"

"Make sure you have the fast track and lounge booked at the airport to get your trip off to a stress free and relaxing start"

"If at all possible, try and allocate some budget to upgrade your seat when flying – it can sometimes be costly, but it really does make the flying element part of your holiday and in my mind is worth every penny!"

"Always take a small carry-on suitcase onboard the aircraft with a few essentials – a swimsuit, change of clothes, pair of sandals etc – you then know you have a backup if there are any issues with your main luggage arriving!"